New publications: Combined steam and ultrasound treatment of broilers at slaughter:
A promising intervention to significantly reduce numbers of naturally occurring campylobacters on carcasses
New publications: Combined steam and ultrasound treatment of broilers at slaughter:
A promising intervention to significantly reduce numbers of naturally occurring campylobacters on carcasses
Monday, 3 March 2014
A paper on “Combined steam and ultrasound treatment of broilers at slaughter: A promising intervention to significantly reduce numbers of naturally occurring campylobacters on carcasses” co-authored by Graham Purnell at FRPERC has just been published in the International Journal of Food Microbiology.
Steam or hot water decontamination treatment of broiler carcasses is hampered by process limitations due to prolonged treatment times and adverse changes to the epidermis. In this study, a combination of steam with ultra-sound (SonoSteam®) was investigated on naturally contaminated broilers that were processed at conventional slaughter speeds of 8,500 birds per hour in a Danish broiler plant. The results obtained from this study suggest that steam–ultrasound treatment of carcasses at broiler processing plants can significantly reduce numbers of Campylobacter on naturally contaminated broilers.